Thursday 5 May 2011

My person of the day.

I love Gwyneth Paltrow. I feel it needs to be said more often.I don't know much about her as a person except she's mates with Madonna,married to that bloke and whitters on a bit about shite.A bit like me.Well the last bit.She's always struck me as a bit prissy,like a head girl who thinks she's in by hanging round with the cool people.But I think i've been hasty.For a start she's been around forever now,she dumped Brad Pitt when she got famous haha,she's a bloody good actress at times and I think she's stunningly hot aswell but this never seems to get noted.The woman is ageing well.I guess those microbiotic thingys are doing something right.
But mostly because she is a massive J.D Salinger and Donna Tartt fan.Which I like.She has been in Glee.Likelikelike.In which she is equally annoying but hilarious.Also I rewatched Sylvia yesterday and had forgotton what a good film it is.Her performance is stunning,totally believable as Plath,walking the fine line of pretentiously self obsessed genius with the heartbreaking reality of depression.Apparantly Plath's children tried everything to stop the film being made,which is understandable,but I think Gwynnie did her proud.Much better than that Kate Winslet as Iris Murdoch in that bloody bowl wig.


  1. Like Madonna, I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with Gwynie. The problem for me is that she hasn't been in a film that I absolutely love...yet. Talented Mr Ripley is as close as she's come, but there's still time.
    Her and Madge have apparently fallen out big-style, prompting a goop entry titled "friendship divorce" where she bangs on about a certain ex-friend who used to drain and belittle her....ha ha go Madonna!
    They say you're only as good as your last role, and as I'm loving Miss Holly Holiday in Glee, it would seem we are currently in a love phase of our relationship!

  2. Oh yes you are right I had forgotton that they had fallen out.I'm sure they're both at fault.Actually i'm sure it's Madge.I forgot TMR.I also love the royal tenenbaums.But yes it's definitely Glee association that's done it for me.Ups anybodys street cred tenfold.

  3. Oh yeah, I forgot about TRT...and I admire her for being in Running With Scissors, even though the film is a dire representation of a brilliant book!
    Ha, yeah I'm sure Madge is totally to blame, which just makes me love her even more!
