Thursday 5 May 2011

Cold turkey.

I killed my facebook today.I don't know if it'll last or whether i'll cave in and give it the kiss of life before the day is through.I'm gonna try and go a month without though and see if I actually miss it or more to the point how much effect it'll have on my life.I've had my fun with it,good times were had but I feel we've grown apart,want different things.I'm just feeling the urge to get back to basics like the good old days.I'm sick of reading regurgitated shit between people I try and avoid in real life so why do I have to see it in my virtual one? I also hate that people don't bother phoning or texting cus it's just easier to 'facebook' instead which means you have no choice but to be utterly dependant on it.And to be frank when I think of all the regurgitated shit i'm guilty of myself it mortifies me a little inside.It never really hit me how much you're just exposing yourself to all and sundry.At least here I don't have that worry,as I only have one follower(hi Pip).So let's see how it goes,a bit of a social experiment on myself,albeit a crap one.And besides this frees up my time for watching more tv.....


  1. Was it being tagged in photos from the party on friday that finally tipped you over the edge?! ha ha! I'm so glad I'm not on there, you wont miss it at all. However, be prepared to look like a freak when you tell people you're not on there. It's so nice to wake up the morning after a night out and know that not everyone you know in the world has seen pictures of you doing things you cant even's also a good way to avoid any further contact with random weirdos from wrecked nights out. Fuck facebook, it's so's all about the blog now!

  2. yes I was not happy,spent an unhappy minute detagging pictures that should never have seen the light of day then got a message asking why I had untagged said photos!! Jeez,people have eyes y'kna.Anyway have reactivated fb after a panicked phonecall from Chris asking if everything was 'okay',hilarious..I think he thought I was ready to end it all.Then 2 more concerned callers!! Honestly,you can't get out.I'm not gannin on it though still.

  3. I think everyone present has since detagged, I'm just glad I don't have to go through the horror of seeing everyones pics of me in that wedding dress!
