Tuesday 17 May 2011

Fondue for two.

Brittany,Lord Tubbington and fondue for two("Shouldn't it be fondue for three?" "No.")
What more can I say? Glee continues to increasingly delight me.Although too many Sue free episodes of late but the rest of the cast are shining brightly their little comedic stars.I mean you Brittany,Santana,Rachel and Kurt.Not you,Mike Chang.And loving Quinn lately too.More Sue,more Becky,more Principal Figgins(I do love a teen show Pricipal,yes Principal Schneider,i'm talking about you "Summers,you drive like a spaz"...still laughing 2011).
Anyhoo,distracted...I have loved S2 Glee more than S1,think it's really got in it's perfect balance now i.e tongue firmly lodged in cheek.When it's at it's best it is probably the best comedy show on.Why don't people see this? Haters.And yet it can reduce me to tears in a heartbeat e.g anything to do with Santana's clandestine sapphic love or anytime Sue remotely shows she has a marshmellow heart underneath all the polyester.
That's one big Mr Shue sized air punch and a 'WHOA' from me.

1 comment:

  1. I'm totally 'lebanese' for Santana!
