Tuesday 17 May 2011

In fifth place.

I think it's about time I made a definitive,documented tribute to my favourite tv shows of all time.I think my top 5 are immovable and it gets a bit harder after that.And there's still yet so many I haven't got around to(Battlestar,Sopranos..).But here are the top 5 tv shows that changed my life and rocked my world.
In descending order.

5.Curb your enthusiasm.(2000-present)

This show makes me laugh so much it hurts.It epitimises everything I love about American comedy and humour.There is nothing less than perfect about this show and it always delivers 100%.I didn't think I would enjoy Larry David at all but it has become my ultimate comedy tv show.I love that really 80's feel to it reminiscent of classic comedy.Every show has been tv gold and too many stand out scenes to start picking them out.I love the ensemble casting and it just goes to show how many under used talents have still got it! I can't wait to rewatch them all again.I think my personal favourite has to be Jeff though.And of course,Susie.In fact I may have to do my top 10 Curb episodes at some point.Oh and I loved David Schwimmer in it.I'd forgot how frickin funny he was.Him and Lisa Kudrow were always the super talent of Friends.

1 comment:

  1. Agreed. Susie is my fave by far, she should have her own spin-off!
