Wednesday 7 September 2011

Skin Flicks.

I finally got round to watching 'The Skin I live in' today. I was very impressed and felt it was definitely a return to form by Pedro Almodovar. I have always enjoyed his films and this was no exception;stylish,intelligent and full of beautiful and strange characters. It maybe doesn't quite have the 'meat' of the more recent masterpieces such as 'All about my mother' and 'Talk to her' or his earlier work which he defined his style as a genre by itself. 'Skin' is a well crafted story and doesn't dissapoint in terms of Almodovar's darker edges.
Also there was a trailer for 'Melancholia' which was an added bonus! Next up is 'Troll Hunter' and the Greek film 'Attenburg',which i'm going to see just on the weight of the brilliance of the 2009 'Dogtooth'.


  1. Another one on my list, but tbh I'm not a massive fan of Almodovar...sacrilege I know, but I just never got into his stuff. I like a couple of his films, but I'm not crazy for him. I want to see this though, I really like the premise.

    ...but shouldn't this be on Hannah's Hot Dogs?!

  2. Hannah's hot dogs are cold corpses of dogs by now. I can barely manage the one blog,what was I thinking. I am surprised you are not a fan, I thought they would be reet up your street. I wouldn't say he's even in my top 10 directors but I definitely love the pathos / melodrama of them.Maybe there is a proper term for that but I don't know it? This is a goodie though.

  3. I feel bad for not being a bigger fan of his...I probably should have my gay membership card revoked for dissing him!

    ....but I do really wanna see this, it's on my ever-increasing list!
