Thursday 1 September 2011

Girl most likely to: part 2

I finally got round to watching 'Somewhere' last weekend. I have been a big fan of Sofia Coppola since 'The Virgin Suicides' and was not at all dissapointed by her latest effort. I love the intimacy of her films,and 'Somewhere' is the most intimate yet with very little dialogue,all the better to tell this story,brilliantly and beautifully acted by Stephen Dorff (adorably vulnerably sexy in this role) and Elle Fanning. Coppola has such a definitive style that is immediatly iconic and yet unfolds more layers on repeated viewings. I can relate to the way she sees the world,she likes to tell secrets,stories that are subjective and intimate,the truth behind the appearance.One of the few directors,like David Lynch,who's substance more than matches their inimitable style. She's like Mumblecore's cooler,prettier,wealthier cousin.It's Mumblecore Vogue.

Virgin Suicides.....Air and Kathleen Turner.What's not to love?
 Marie Antoinette.....beautiful, both visually and viscerally.The early hours party scene in the Versailles garden is particularly striking and intimate.

Lost in translation....I love her casting choices.Billy Murray was an absolute revelation and Scarlett Johansson was white hot on the cusp of stardom after 'Ghost World',and has never been better. Also what all great love storys should be;the face you look for in the crowd,the secret whispers that stay with you forever. There is a special beauty in brevity.

 Just don't mention The Godfather III aka the one where nepotism goes badly wrong or as I like to call it 'The awkward moment when you wish Winona Ryder had said yes'.

1 comment:

  1. I keep forgetting that I still need to see's now top of my list.
    Ha, yeah let's not mention GodfatherIII, though it was obviously the moment she (and everyone else) decided she was better off behind the camera, so it's not such a bad thing.

    I love that she loves Roxy Music/Bryan Ferry, Bill Murray singing More Than This in LIT is one of my fave Coppola scenes. I remember she did a mix on the Breezeblock on radio 1 years ago and it included Pulp and Roxy can you not love this woman?!

    Oh, and she's in Madonna's Warhol-tribute video Deeper and Deeper, genius!

    Come on mumblecore vogue,
    Let your body mumblecore vogue to the music!
