Thursday 19 May 2011

In joint second place.

I kept changing round my 4th,3rd and second place position for best tv show of all time which can only lead me to the conclusion that I love them all equally for different reasons.They could all be classed as THE best tv show of all time,if it wasn't for #1. I would consider  all masterpieces.One lasted 5 seasons,another 2 and the other only one.But we all know it's not about quantity but quality.And if we're talking about masterpieces and quality tv then let's kick of with this.

2.) Twin Peaks(1990-91)

I once read that decades are usually defined by historians in retrospect not by the actual dates but by the cultural and social events which defined and changed them.Like the 21century started with 9/11 and that decade ended with say,the first black US president in the white house.
Well it's just occured to me how appropraite this is when applied to pop culture and art. Twin Peaks really did define the start of the 90's,which we all know was Generation X 60's.It brought cult art to the masses and introduced a whole generation of kids to an alternative culture,which in turn eventually lead to music(hello grunge and alt.90's,film(hello Silence of the lambs) and fashion(hello kilts,boots,halfhidden face bobs).Let's face it the 90's were fucking cool.And what's cooler than Twin Peaks?
It seems wrong to put Twin Peaks or David Lynch in second place for anything .Everytime I watch Twin Peaks it absolutely blows me away.I don't use the word genius lightly but in Lynch's case it is only fitting.This show was just so iconic,out of all my top tv it wins hands down in terms of craftmanship and beauty.Just about every single shot is a work of art.You could take a screenshot of any moment in the show and find something beautiful and terrifiying at the same time.You would want to know more.Want to peep and see what's behind the curtain.It creeps into your consciousness whether you want it to or not.From the iconic image of the body wrapped in plastic,the prom queen in the photograph,the lady holding a log to the schoolgirl twisting a cherry stalk with her tongue.Everything in Twin Peaks is timeless.It's hard to believe it was 20 years ago,it could be made now and have exactly the same impact.In hindsight it's quite clear how much it influenced not only my tastes but me as a person.It definitely evoked something in my12 year old self which ever since has been obsessed with small town americana and the shadows and light of humanity.In fact  i've just realised it's probably a huge part of what inspired me to want to be a writer and the kind of material inspired and excited me. Lynch is hands down my favourite director.Don't even get me started on Mullholland drive.I went on a date last year and the guy made the mistake of saying he'd watched it the night before.Really? try watching it 50+ times(I worked at a cinema when it was released).Then try and dissect it with me.He never called,needless to say.
Every time I watch any Lynch film it makes me wish I was an actress.It must be so special to have played one of Lynch's ladies(Naomi Watts.Most criminal oscar robbery ever.Mark Kermode and the dude off of Film 2011 are with me on this...the academy should be forced to write a formal letter of apology and have a lifetime of nightmares about the man behind the wall at Winkies diner).
Anyhoo,by the by,Twin Peaks, a small slice of genius pie.Which will til the end of my days cause arousement at the sight of a douglas fir and make me want to travel smalltown USA on a diner and roudhouse pilgrimage.I haven't even started on Julee Cruise,the travesty of season 2 and my undying love for Sherilynn Fenn.I have aspired  to look like a 'Twin Peaks girl' ever since.I remember swiping my brother's Empire magazine for the famous 'goddess' poster which I had on my wall for years.Oh and my favourite image,or the most memorable has got to be Ronette Pulaski walking across the railroad.Oh okay,i'll do my top 10 Twin Peaks moments.Twist my arm(or bend it back,natch).


  1. Normally I would quibble with TP being second place,but since I think I can guess what your number one is going to be, then I agree wholeheartedly!
    So many things I love about TP, I just don't know where to even begin.You totally should do your favourite scenes, again so manty to choose from. Mine would have to include Nadine's silent drape runners, Leland's confession/suicide, Maddie's murder, Audrey's dance in the diner, the cherry stalk scene, the one where she's at One Eyed Jack's fending off advances from her father from behind a pocelain fact any scene with Audrey. Amazing characters, locations, storylines and themes... funny, sad, confusing and plain old weird The music too, oh my god.....Laura's theme, Falling and and Julee Cruise's first 2 Lynch/Badalamenti albums never fail to make the hairs on my neck stand up.
    Truly groundbreaking stuff, and most of the best tv shows since have a lot to thank TP for!

  2. Absolutely.I love Nadine.She is def one of my favourite characters and one of the highlights of s2 also.So funny.Can't believe I got my Theresa Banks and Ronette Pulaski mixed up.Geek shame.Also I think we should call our band Ronette Pulaski or have a concept album about her.The forgotton underdog of TP.Oh gawd ,I'm such a loser nerd and I love it!

  3. I'm liking that idea, we could do a Tori Amos-esque concept album, and each portray a different character....Theresa, Ronette and Laura. I bagsy Laura, I'll shuffle on stage wrapped in plastic!
