Monday 18 April 2011

When life gives you lemons,give me the Lemonheads.

So today's highlight, without hestitation, is the long awaited news that Evan Dando is playing The Cluny in my hometown next month. Except in my head it was more like this "EVAN DANDO.PLAYING.THE.CLUNY.NEXT.MONTH!!!!!!!!!!! Exclamation marks to infinity.
I have been a massive Lemonheads and Evan Dando disciple for years and I think they are one of the most underrated bands of the 90's and Evan such an unsung legend,he has one of THE most beautiful voices in music and also a bit of a bleedin genius lyrically.But he really needs to bring out another album.It's been years since the divine 'Baby i'm bored'..Well baby i'm bored,Evan get yourself inspired,really i'm willing to offer myself as a muse for hire. So anyway apparantly he's married to a girl from my said hometown,which is why he has been coming for years to play the same small venue.Alas,everytime something has prevented me from going,last year I even considered cancelling my holiday when I found out the dates conflicted.
I can't even choose a favourite song,though 'It's a shame about Ray' has got to be in my top 10 most played albums...p.s I absolutely adore Julianna Hatfield aswell by the way.I love the episode of My So Called Life where she plays some phantom homeless tramp in the Christmas episode,or whatever,and convinces Angela that life ain't so bad afterall.Oh my god,I miss the 90's so much!
Anyway I am planning my Evan harrasment already.All I can think to say is that i've always said if I ever had a boy I would call it Evan.Or that I actually wrote a song which I think he should record....with me.
Together forever in the name of copyright.Altogether now 'I know a place where we can go,when we're alone,Into MY arms,woah woah.....hmmm,hello,police please".

1 comment:

  1. Lovin the blog...

    Evan tickets arrived today woo fuckin hoo, glad I wont be a billy-no-mates this time round. Oh, and apparently Evan and his wife have split up!!!!!!

    I miss the 90's too
