Wednesday 27 April 2011

Get outta my dreams,get into my car

This is just a bit of a self indulgent rant, as is the nature of the blog I suppose so,whatever,but.....I am really sick of the collective hating of Quentin Tarrantino's 'Deathproof'. Okay I know this movie is years old now but I have have a gigantic soft spot for it and apart from maybe 4 other people who get it the same way I do,everybody seems to think it's total pants! Now I am a massive Tarrantino fan, and Pulp Fiction and Kill Bill 1&2 absolutely rock my world asnd Resevoir dogs is as slick as Elvis's quiff but I dunno i'm gonna say it...Deathproof is the one that had me literally gripped to my seat.There I said it. Now don't get me wrong I see where the others are superior films in terms of story,screenplay,acting,character arch,blah,blah and yes DP doesn't have Uma'The Goddess' Thurman in it but so what,that's why I love it even more. "But it's just a load of girls sitting around talking vacuous shite about nothing...and they can't even act". Well yes, but no..okay QT gets it wrong a lil'here and makes a male presumption about the things girls sit round talking about when they're together...believe it or not we don't sit round talking about men 24/7,cock size,how men done us wrong etc etc...which seems it bit off kilter seeing as this is a hugely feminist movie.But Tarrantino obviously LOVES women and has a massive admiration or us as when it is the focas of the film he writes some of the best female characters going. But this is by the by,first and foremost I think Deathproof is one of the best horror films I have ever seen,yes I said HORROR FILM,and it is horrific.When everybody else says "Yeah but nothing happens" you have no appreciation for subtelty.The first half of the film imo is a bit of genius.It's sexy,clever and the calm before the storm up until Rose McGowen gets in the car.Then the ten minutes that follow is one of the most horrific and disturbing ten minutes that I have ever seen.It's B movie glory at it's best but yet a uniquely original slant on the horror genre.And Rose McGowen...oh Rose,how I love thee,tragic Pam is my #3 QT Girls. The first time I saw it,and can I just say it's one of the few films i've seen and then put it on again straight after.I think I watched it 4x in one week! but anyway,the first time I saw it I thought DP and PT were part of the same story so I thought RM played the same character in PT and had survived the crash and come back as a one legged zombie warrior...I guess that was too much to ask,sigh.
Anyway I could literally talk about this all day but I guess i'm only talking to myself.But before I sign off I would also like to give an award to Kurt Russell,splendid job done.He was really passionate about the film as he started off as a stunt man and hell,who wouldn't want to be in a Tarrantino movie.And also I loved Mary Elizabeth Winstead in it.I know she didn't do much,but I think she's sooo beautiful and is probably gonna become a bit of a cult actress if she gets the right roles.So yeah,stop hating on Deathproof,I demand it.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, so you know I also love Tarrantino in general, and while I'm not a hater of DP, I must admit I'm not a total lover of it. There's lots I like about it, especially the first half....but for me the second half kinda lets it down. I totally preferred PT....Rose McGowan gets to truly shine, unlike DP where she is criminally-underused and Marley Shelton is genius! I love your idea that McGowan's character was a crossover....that would've been such a nice touch...opportunity missed. It's sad that DP constantly gets compared against PT, but when you release films as a double bill it's inevitable....and for my money PT wins the day! Still love QT though.
