Friday 16 September 2011

Ain't no picnic.

I've been thinking today how much I love Australian films.When they're good they're really,really good e.g Muriels wedding, Animal Kingdom, Jindabyne,Strictly Ballroom,Walkabout,Lantana...I could go on. But I think one of my favourite Australian films, and novels for that matter is the beautifully sinister 'Picnic at Hanging rock' written by Joan Lindsay(1967) and adapted in 1975 by the brilliant Australian director Peter Weir(who made one of my fave 80's films, Witness). The story is a metaphysical,existentialist,coming of age supernatural mystery.Exactly the right combination to get my juices flowing. It centers around a group of schoolgirls who go missing on a school picnic at the mysterious 'Hanging rock'. The film feels very dated now admittedly but it has such a timeless charm about it and the photography and atmosphere are quite beautiful.
Sometimes I think it would be one of the few films that would benefit from a make over,but maybe not. But still, I would choose the novel over the film. The ambiguity does not sit well with many people but  to me this is what makes it so special. There was initially an another chapter which explains what happens to the girls but it was left out of the published novel, and is better for it. I have read it though and I love it,totally mental, I love the idea that this Victorian set novel of repressed sexuality and hysteria flips on it's head into some kind of metaphysical sci-fi.

1 comment:

  1. You're right, there's definitely something in the water down there...Animal Kingdom is one of my favourite films from last year, and The Loved Ones is my fave from 2009! I love Picnic At Hanging Rock, such a weird, and unsettling film...and freaky real life what the actual fuck went down there?! Now you mention it, I'm really surprised there hasn't been a remake....yet!
