Sunday 10 July 2011

Melancholia update.

Well I was excited before but now i'm uber excited.I've just been chatting to my Swedish friend and she has told me that Lars Von Trier's 'Melancholia' is absolutely superb.Her exact words were "I was shaking for hours afterwards,I cried so much". We have really similar tastes in film and she is also obviously a massive LVT fan.I haven't looked forward to a film so much since waiting for Black Swan to come out.That exceeded all my expectations so I really hope this doesn't let me down. Also remember how I said a while back how I wasn't a huge Kirsten Dunst fan.Well I finally got round to watching Marie Antoinette and  i'm not eating cake but I will eat a big slice of humble pie.She was a revelation in it and can completely hold her own in a film.She's up there for me now with Michelle Williams and The Geller in my favorite blondes.Also trivia fact,I only just realised that Alexander Skasgard,the beautiful Eric in True Blood(also in Melancholia!)is the son of Stellan Skasgard who is superb  in the LVT masterpiece 'Breaking the Waves'.

1 comment:

  1. Hell yeah, the Dunst rules! That bitch has done some amazing films....interview with the vamp, eternal sunshine, virgin suicides, drop dead gorgeous, bring it on....her only dodgy move was dating that prick Johnny Borrel! Oh and she's gonna be in the film version of Kerouac's On The Road, directed by FFC.....jizzfest central!
